Come and Celebrate the Inimitable Arlo Burgon

Arlo Burgon was a force of nature, and a sweetheart. She supported all manner of live music events, original music, and local singer/songwriters. I first met her at the Black Swan, listening to Pete Otis and a band. With her friend, Michael Bär, they created the B’Arlopalooza events. Every few months they would fill the Black Swan with afternoons of music, featuring a dozen or so of the local talented musicians. I was fortunate enough to play in three of them, the last in 2023. The events were always packed.
Sadly, Arlo has now passed on. She will be missed. There will be a celebration of her life on Sunday, January 19, 4 to 8 pm, at the Black Swan Tavern, 154 Danforth Ave, Toronto. There will, of course, be live music. I will be playing a couple of tunes to honour her, and some of the musicians that she knew and enjoyed.
Here is the running order
1. Shawn Lawrie
2. Robin Budd
3. Susan Wesson
4. Jen Arima
5. Paul Cross
6. Dougal Bichan
7. Michael Bar
8. Pat Little
9. Tyler Ellis
10. Brian Gladstone
11. Max Brand
12. Stephen Court
I will be on close to 6 pm, right before the food.
Be there, if you can. It will be a very special afternoon.