Crazy Good! See the NERFA First Timers Showcase

The NERFA 2021 Conference is just wrapping up this week. They went all digital this year. I decided to go, since I didn’t have to travel anywhere, and it was crazy cheap to attend. I saw a call to showcase performers for people attending for the first time – and I got picked! The timing was a bit tight, but I managed to pull it together, live streaming from my Bohemian Basement. Technical facilitation by Matthew Clowney. There were a lot of very talented performers. There was a NERFA, First Timers Showcase each of Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10 p, to 2 am, 16 performances each evening, as well as all the other showcase and goodies at NERFA.
I had a great time last night, performing at the NERFA, First Timers Showcase , Saturday, November 13. Below is the link. My section starts at 27:12, to 43:11, introduction by Kim Moberg.