Shuttle Bus Incident
I came out of the Riverboat Open Mic at Noonan’s on Monday evening about 11. When I got to the Broadview Station, the trains were not running. Shuttle busses from Woodbine to St George, signal problems. I walked back out to Danforth and, of course, there were no shuttle busses anywhere, just disgruntled people. The first bus was packed to the gunwales. An unfortunate man in a wheelchair was desperate to get on the bus to the point of parking in front of it so it could not move. Another bus arrived. When it became clear that he could not get on the first bus, the man move back to the second . The driver told him there was no room. He did that same, parked on the road in front of the bus. The driver called his super to come and deal with it. As we all waited, a man in the bus started saying “No. It is OK, We have room. If we all move back, we can free up the space for the wheelchair. You people stand up.” Everyone did it. The driver put put the ramp and the man in the wheel chair got on. He was very embarrassed and apologetic. He got off a Sherbourne. As we drove on, I went up to the man who had gotten people organized and thanked him. Without him, we could still be there. He got off at Yonge.