What was I thinking?
I posted this on my Facebook page and got so many comments and responses! More than any other post, ever. Remind me not to mention politics again.
“OK. I had a revelation. It is all so clear now. Ontario, and Canada for that matter, except the west, of course, which I do not claim to understand, vote mostly Liberal, provincially and federally. So the Liberals are in power so long they get arrogant and privileged and feel entitled. So, every now and then, they get thrown out to teach them some humility, After four years, or eight sometimes, the electors slap their collective foreheads and say “What was I thinking?” Who is this idiot in power, and vote Liberal again. It is the eternal cycle of life in Canadian politics, eastern Canada anyway. Western Canada is likely the same with the Conservatives, but I am not that familiar with it. So relax. Don’t worry about this Doug Ford thing, it is a passing moment in the Liberal parade of Ontario. He is merely a kick in the Liberal pants by the Ontario electorate to say “Wake up.” He will likely be gone in a term. Unfortunately, he may do some damage in the meantime. Keep your gun oiled”